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If for some reason you can't download the file (it's either unavailable or corrupted), please contact us via email with a copy of your receipt and we'll refund your purchase. This post is currently full, so please check back later if you're interested in joining or message us on Twitter for updates. We'll be opening up five new spots at 8 AM Eastern Time tomorrow morning. But dang-it, it looks like all five are already taken... What are boothu kathalu? Well, they're books about "Beti bachao" by Dr Shashi Tharoor! If you know the term "katha" it means "story". Boothu katha are stories in which the main character is not a child but an adult. They show how people learn and grow, even in adulthood. How do they work? You download them to your phone or tablet, then hold your phone or tablet up to the book scanner at the end of the aisle. Then read! And get out of school early! Brilliant! About 50 people have joined already. That's awesome! If you're interested, please send us a message on Twitter, Facebook, G+. Or email to join our next batch. You can pay via PayPal or Bitcoin (we accept both). Now for some good news... The first 100 people who download our books and scan them with our app get them for free! You read that right. Just pay the shipping charges to get the physical book from India to your door. We're talking about a book that sells for 15$ on . That means you only pay 45$ for a physical copy which you can resell or keep as a collectible or give away as a present to someone special. If you read it, you could also post a review on Goodreads and subtract another $15 from the price! That's insane value. But we don't want everyone to have this opportunity so we're going to cap the number at 100 people... Just sign up below. We'll be opening up five new spots at 8 AM Eastern Time tomorrow morning. But dang-it, it looks like all five are already taken... Employees of Coqui Launchpad or anyone else affiliated with this giveaway are prohibited from participating. Good luck! Oh, and don't forget to tweet about this promotion if you're interested! The more people know about it, the more people can get free copies! UPDATE 2/27/13 : Sorry, but this promotion is now over. The first 100 people were picked at random, but since we already picked up 50 people, we're going to cap the total at 100. Thank you for participating! UPDATE 2/25/13 : We're going to start filling up our order with a few copies of a popular book by a well-known author, ""Beti Bachao"". That's the first book we'll send out. But now we need your help! We'll be selecting five winners at 8 AM Eastern time on Tuesday morning. cfa1e77820